Battle Through the Heavens has been a popular Chinese light novel series since it first debuted in 2012. The story follows a young man named Xiao Yan, who possesses a unique power that allows him to control flames. Over the years, the series has gained a massive following and has been adapted into various media formats such as an anime, manga, and even a mobile game. Recently, fans were excited to learn that the franchise had announced a three-year agreement that would result in the production of a new anime adaptation.

The announcement of the three-year agreement has caused a lot of buzz among fans of the series. The news broke on March 9, 2021, during a special livestream event. The agreement was signed between Tencent Penguin Pictures, which holds the rights to the series, and New Classics Media, a studio that has produced several popular Chinese dramas.

The announcement stated that the new anime adaptation would be produced by New Classics Media and Tencent Penguin Pictures would act as the distributor. This is great news for fans as Tencent Penguin Pictures has a reputation for producing high-quality anime adaptations. They are responsible for producing popular anime such as The King’s Avatar, Rakshasa Street, and Fog Hill of Five Elements.

What does this mean for fans of the series? Firstly, it means that there will be a new anime adaptation of the series. This is exciting news for fans who have been eagerly waiting for a new anime adaptation since the first one aired back in 2017. The new adaptation will undoubtedly bring a breath of fresh air into the series and introduce new fans to the story.

Secondly, it means that the new anime adaptation is likely to be of high quality. Tencent Penguin Pictures is known for producing high-quality anime adaptations, so fans can expect the new adaptation to be well animated and have excellent sound design. This is essential for fans of the series who want to see their favorite characters come to life on the screen.

Finally, the three-year agreement suggests that there might be more to come. Fans can hope that this new anime adaptation will spark renewed interest in the franchise and lead to more adaptations or even an entirely new story. With the three-year agreement in place, fans can look forward to more Battle Through the Heavens content in the future.

In conclusion, the three-year agreement between Tencent Penguin Pictures and New Classics Media is excellent news for fans of the Battle Through the Heavens franchise. It means that there will be a new anime adaptation that is likely to be of high quality, and it suggests that there might be more Battle Through the Heavens content in the future. Fans should mark their calendars and get ready for another exciting chapter in the Battle Through the Heavens story.

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Last Modified: maio 1, 2022